PhDAER Seminar Monday, May 27, 2024, from 16:15 until 17:15 - Classroom BL.27.16, Campus Bovisa, Via Lambruschini, 4 - 20156 - Milano (MI)

The Clean Sky 2 "Advanced Rear End" (ARE) project has been developed as part of the Clean Sky 2 European research programme and has gathered a large consortium of companies, research centres and Universities (including PoliMi).
The research was aimed at significantly improving the efficiency of the empennage and the supporting rear fuselage of a mid-sized conventional commercial transport aircraft.
The expected performance improvement at aircraft level stems mainly from two sources:
- Configuration benefits: including favorable aeroelastic behavior for stability, reduced size of the horizontal and vertical tail planes allowed by a reconfiguration of the component and smaller wetted area and weight of the rear fuselage.
- Improved applied technologies, including from a highly streamlined configuration design synthesis and analysis process to the application of anti-ice coatings and passive shapes which will allow to remove the need to consider the aerodynamic penalty imposed by ice accretion in the sizing of the tail planes.
A large number of concepts and technologies have been developed which demonstrate a significant potential for improving the performance of the rear fuselage and empennage of a modern commercial transport aircraft.
The objectives and results of the work will be presented in detail together with a thorough description of the baseline configuration used for the studies.
Raul Llamas is currently Aircraft Preliminary Design expert, with a focus on the Rear Fuselage and Empennage component, in the Future Projects department of Airbus Commercial.
Raul joined Airbus (then British Aerospace PCL) in 1997 where he developed the structural optimization methods used for the sizing of the wing covers of the A380 aircraft.
He also introduced in Airbus structural topology optimization with the fixed wing leading edge of A380 as pilot case.
Since 2011 Raul lectures on Flight Mechanics, Aircraft Design and Advanced Aircraft Design at the European University of Madrid.
Currently Raul is completing his PhD in Structural Topology Optimization at the University of Sevilla. Raul is a keen glider pilot and can also be found around sailing boats.