This event is part of European Space Talks, a pioneering awareness campaign inviting the space community to share their space projects and related benefits with our citizens.

ESA is proposing a digital Space Talk dedicated to the next generation.

The purpose of holding a European Space Talk with you students is to involve what we call the next generation workforce. Those who will deal with sciences, technology, business and law.

Your future work will be based on the decisions taken during the upcoming Ministerial Council. ESA believes that students have the right to choose what they will be developing or working on for the next decades. Involving you will contribute to the support needed for Space19+, the pillars of which are:

❏ Science and exploration
❏ Space safety and security
❏ Enabling and support
❏ Applications

Students around Europe and beyond will remotely connect and debate about future Space activities that will be discussed at the upcoming Space19+, the ESA meeting at ministerial level, next November.

Europe’s Next Space Generation is organised by ESA in collaboration with HEC Business School and ESTACA Engineering School, in Paris, France. ESA invites all Universities with a Space curriculum to remotely connect with Paris, where almost 2000 Aerospace students will be attending.

The programme is interactive and full of surprises.

The event will be broadcasted live, followed by an open debate.

Participants will also connect live with ESA Astronaut Luca Parmitano

Bovisa Campus will host one node of the European net to interactively discuss the topics with first class ambassadors, a per the program.

Registration is required to participate.

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