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25 maggio 2022 — 0 minuti di lettura

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are the European Union’s reference programme for doctoral education and post-doctoral training. The programme funds research projects with the aim of promoting the growth of human capital of excellence in Europe through research grants to support the geographical, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of researchers.

Research project: FAAST (Facilitating Autonomy in Astrodynamics for Spacecraft Technology). This is proposed for developing autonomous guidance and control algorithms for deep-space CubeSats and other interplanetary spacecraft.

Ethan Burnett short bio

"I got my bachelor’s and Master’s degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Arizona. I did my PhD in aerospace engineering sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder, where I studied under Prof. Hanspeter Schaub. My PhD, which was funded by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, was primarily focused on guidance and control for spacecraft rendezvous and proximity operations.

Politecnico di Milano is well-known as a European leader in aerospace engineering research and education. I was also interested in Francesco Topputo’s DART group – which combines practical experience in CubeSat missions with an interesting ERC-funded research project in autonomous guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) for deep-space spacecraft"