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Montaruli Marco Felice


Montaruli Marco Felice


Marco Felice Montaruli received the B.S. degree in aerospace engineering and M.S. degree in space engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy), in 2019. From September 2018 to March 2019, he was intern in Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (Toulouse, FR), where he worked on methodologies for 2D Probability of Collision (PoC) computations and on optimal Collision Avoidance Maneuevers (CAM) planning. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Politecnico di Milano in aerospace engineering. His research main topic is represented by radar technologies for space based infrastructures surveillance and satellite re-entry monitoring. His activity focuses on BIRALES sensor operations and upgrade, but includes also orbit determination, high-fidelity orbit propagation, conjunction analysis and re-entry campaign. In the Space Surveillance and Tracking framework he mostly collaborates with the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics(INAF), Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italian Airforce (AM) and, at an European level, with the EUropean Space Surveillance and Tracking (EUSST) network. Mr. Montaruli is also teaching assistant for Aerospace Mechanics course. Finally, he is PhD students representative for Aerospace Engineering Course and he is member of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA) council.

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