Online PhDAER Seminar

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 at 5pm

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Adjoint-based optimization stands out as a pivotal feature of the SU2 open-source PDE-solver.

However, its broader applicability has historically faced a significant challenge associated with a gradual degradation in grid quality during body deformation.

This limitation prompts exploration into the introduction of an interpolation method for mesh deformation called RBF, which will be examined and compared to conventional techniques grounded in physical analogy.

Additionally, we will delve into a stable framework based on a rotating reference frame for minimizing noise in UAM propellers, along with acknowledging its inherent limitations.

In cases where a steady RRF is impractical, a hybrid harmonic balance-Urans approach can be employed to optimize quasi-periodic flows for a strong computational cost reduction for the framework.

Furthermore, the discussion will extend to the potential application of harmonic balance (HB) for acoustic prediction, as well as its prospective role in blade optimization in the near future.

Luca Abergo, a Ph.D. student from Politecnico di Milano, is currently immersed in research focused on shape optimization, specifically targeting noise reduction in Urban Air Mobility (UAM) propellers. FSI impact in noise emission and mesh deformation methods are part of his actual research. Currently spending his abroad period at Nasa Langley hosted by NIA.

Hiroaki Nishikawa


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