On 2nd February 2022 , during the meeting of presentation of the new government team that will support the Dean Donatella Sciuto at the helm of Politecnico di Milano, Professor Amalia Ercoli Finzi was officially awarded the Hubert Curien Award for her commitment, passion and lifelong work dedicated to space exploration.

The prestigious recognition is issued by Eurisy, a non-profit association made up of European space agencies, government offices and international organizations responsible for space affairs. Eurisy was founded in 2004 by Hubert Curien, a preeminent physicist in the field of space research, with the intent of recognizing the outstanding commitment to derive benefits from space research in favour of society.
The award was officially awarded in Paris on 22nd September 2022 and collected by Prof. Michèle Lavagna, who participated in the Award Ceremony on behalf of Prof. Finzi.