Project Caurus Nibbio
Exceptional performance dual-propulsion morphing tilt-rotor. 2nd place and Best New Entrant in the 31st AHS Graduate Student Design Competition.
Student Team
Gianluca Alitta, Davide Berbenni, Carlo Capocchiano, Andrea Fugazza, Juan Sebastian Rojas Sandoval, Luca Sala (team leader), Stefano Sangalli, Andrea Scaringello, Paterson Waffo
Lorenzo Trainelli , Giuseppe Quaranta
31st AHS graduate student design competition
Competition type
International graduate student design competition
American Helicopter Society International
The Nibbio is a groundbreaking VTOL concept aimed for exceptional performance in both vertical and cruise flight, compliant with the DARPA VTOL X-PLANE solicitation. The key element in the design is represented by the unique dual-propulsive system, comprised of a pusher propeller for cruise and a foldable rotor for take-off, landing and hover.
- Sala L., Alitta G., Berbenni D., Capocchiano C., Fugazza A., Rojas S., Sangalli S., Scaringello A., Waffo P., Trainelli L., "The ‘Nibbio’ High-Speed Tilt Rotor Concept", XXIII Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, Torino, Italy, November 17-19, 2015.
- Sala L., Alitta G., Berbenni D., Capocchiano C., Fugazza A., Rojas S., Sangalli S., Scaringello A., Waffo P., Trainelli L., "Project Caurus “Nibbio” – A Novel Tilt Rotor Concept for Very High Speed Applications", American Helicopter Society International 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, May 5-7, 2015