Student Team

Gianluca Alitta, Davide Berbenni, Carlo Capocchiano, Andrea Fugazza, Juan Sebastian Rojas Sandoval, Luca Sala (team leader), Stefano Sangalli, Andrea Scaringello, Paterson Waffo


Lorenzo Trainelli , Giuseppe Quaranta


31st AHS graduate student design competition

Competition type

International graduate student design competition


American Helicopter Society International


2nd place and Best New Entrant


The Nibbio is a groundbreaking VTOL concept aimed for exceptional performance in both vertical and cruise flight, compliant with the DARPA VTOL X-PLANE solicitation. The key element in the design is represented by the unique dual-propulsive system, comprised of a pusher propeller for cruise and a foldable rotor for take-off, landing and hover.


  1. Sala L., Alitta G., Berbenni D., Capocchiano C., Fugazza A., Rojas S., Sangalli S., Scaringello A., Waffo P., Trainelli L., "The ‘Nibbio’ High-Speed Tilt Rotor Concept", XXIII Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, Torino, Italy, November 17-19, 2015.
  2. Sala L., Alitta G., Berbenni D., Capocchiano C., Fugazza A., Rojas S., Sangalli S., Scaringello A., Waffo P., Trainelli L., "Project Caurus “Nibbio” – A Novel Tilt Rotor Concept for Very High Speed Applications", American Helicopter Society International 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, May 5-7, 2015
