On 20 October 2023, the new exhibition space for Made in Polimi. Tales from the Polytechnic of Milan and for the Bovisa Library La Masa, recently renovated, was inaugurated in BL28.
The exhibition space, created in continuity with that already existing in the Rectorate, offers its visitors new stories of projects and innovations related to the Politecnico di Milano, with a particular focus on Bovisa Campus with its history and its laboratory and experimental character.

DAER participates in the exhibition with 2 installations, in the sections Run and Explore:
- Model of the SIAI-Marchetti S-211 Training Aircraft, 1:10 scale, 1970s

- Rosetta, was the main mission of the European Space Agency programme Horizon 2000 to explore the small bodies of the Solar System.

Crediti Fotografici: Laura Dalzini