The DUST Development Team at Department of Aerospace Science and Technology of Politecnico di Milano composed by our PhD students Alberto Savino, Alessandro Cocco and Andrea Colli coordinated by Prof. Alex Zanotti is pleased to announce a new major release of the mid-fidelity aerodynamic software DUST.

This new release introduces a series of new development and improvements. First, the software repository was migrated to a new home (https://public.gitlab.polimi.it/DAER/dust ) owned by Department of Aerospace Science and Technology. All the development branches of the software are now public to encourage the growth of the developer's community.

This new version of DUST now includes a new element type, the non-linear vortex lattice, which combines the characteristics of vortex lattices and lifting line elements. Moreover, vortex particles now have a variable radius, which greatly improves the wake behavior even in challenging configurations as multi-rotor aircraft configurations and eVTOLs applications.

More features and improvements implemented that can be find in the releases section (https://public.gitlab.polimi.it/DAER/dust/-/releases ).

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