Emergency rescue missions performed by helicopter present many challenges related to weather conditions. The meteorological environment affects flight operation and pilot decision making process: restricted visibility caused by stormy clouds or difficulties in finding the best landing zones undermine the successful coordination of search and rescue procedures.

The HEMS+ Scout Drone project, funded by Sardinia Region via AREUS (Emergency Sardinia Region Agency), presents an innovative solution based on an exploration drone able to provide a solid support to optimal management of search and rescue missions in emergency situations. The project is co-funded within POR FESR 2014 – 2020 programme with joint investment from EU, Italian State and Sardinia region under art. 115 EU Regulation 1303/2013 and 821/214 and in accordance with Sardinia Region purposes, and it is developed by a partnership of DAER - Politecnico di Milano, TXT e-Solution and ANT-X.
Website: https://www.txtgroup.com/hems?hsLang=en
Video: https://youtu.be/-g_uMxi42q0