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De Gaspari Alessandro

Associate Professor

De Gaspari Alessandro

Associate Professor

Alessandro De Gaspari is currently associate professor at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology of Politecnico di Milano, where he took his MS degree in Aerospace Engineering in 2006, with a thesis titled: “Active aeroelastic control over a multi-surface wing: modelling and wind tunnel testing”. In 2010, he was awarded of his PhD with merit in Aerospace Engineering, with a dissertation titled: “A two levels approach for the optimal design of morphing wings based on compliant structures”. His teaching activity during the years was mainly focused on the design of aerospace structures and the finite element modelling. He is currently lecturing in Elements of Aerospace Engineering 1.

His research field involves: structural dynamics; Design Optimization of innovative structures; integrated aero–structural methodologies to evaluate benefits of innovative structures and/or exploit aeroelastic effects; aeroelasticity; morphing structures; wind tunnel tests dedicated to the experimental assessment of aeroelastic demonstrators and numerical/experimental correlation. The focus of Alessandro's research is on the development of three main technologies that can be combined with each other:

  • Passive structures used to respond to external events or designed to be optimal in different flight conditions without the need for active control systems;
  • Actively controlled structures which enable to extend the operational envelope or to reduce effects of external changes via dynamic adaptation using sensors and actuators;
  • Morphing structures that can change their external shape, by deforming themselves, to ensure near–optimal performances throughout the entire flight envelope.

Research labs

Research projects

  • H2020 | GUDGET - GUst generators and model DesiGn for transonic wind tunnel tEsTs

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  • SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME | GLAMOUR - Gust Load Alleviation techniques assessment on wind tUnnel MOdel of advanced Regional aircraft

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  • SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME | SARISTU - Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures

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  • European Project | 3AS - Active aeroelastic aircraft structure

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  • HORIZON EUROPE | HERA - Hybrid-Electric Regional Architecture

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  • title_it

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  • H2020 |GAM-2020-REG - Regional Aircraft 2020-2023

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  • HORIZON EUROPE | HERWINGT - Hybrid Electric Regional Wing Integration Novel Green Technologies

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  • SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME | NOVEMOR - NOvel Air VEhicle Configurations: From Fluttering Wings to MORphing Flight

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  • 6TH FP EUROPEAN RESEARCH PROJECT | NICETRIP - Novel Innovative Competitive Effective Tilt Rotor Integrated Project

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  • PONREC | TIVANO - Tecnologie Innovative per Velivoli di Aviazione generale di Nuova generaziOne

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Magazine articles