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Belan Marco

Associate Professor

Belan Marco

Associate Professor

Main research interests/activities:

Laboratory activities:

  • Plasma-neutral gas flow interactions, systems for gas ionization and plasma generation, flow control and ionic propulsion, with low environmental impact applications ( ↗).
  • Drag reduction techniques in fluid mechanics, with aeronautical applications.
  • Bluff body wakes, interaction of wakes, wind engineering applications, design of wind tunnel components.
  • Measurements in rarefied gases; low pressure and vacuum systems technology.
  • Long scale evolution of free hypersonic jets, with applications to the gasdynamics of astrophysical flows.
  • Design and development of electronic and mechanical devices and facilities for laboratory measurements.

Theoretical studies dealing with semi-analytic methods, asymptotic and multiscale methods:

  • Scaling models for ionic propulsion in atmosphere.
  • Drag reduction models in fluid mechanics.
  • Instabilities at low Reynolds numbers.

Further information on research, teaching, theses supervision and industrial collaborations at the "teaching profile" link on this page.

Research labs

Research projects

Magazine articles