Ferragina Silvio

Lab Manager

Technological Laboratory

The Technological Lab of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology aims to support the internal teaching and research activities although it also offers its expertise externally.
The support provided ranges from the design of single parts or complete equipment, to the processing of metallic materials carried out with the use of CNC equipment and to the creation of tools and components in composite and advanced composite materials using different production technologies up to 3D printing.

Short Bio

Silvio Ferragina is an aeronautical engineer graduated from Politecnico di Milano. For more than two decades, he has been involved in teaching support activities for the course of Methods of Technical Representation within which he is in charge of the part on solid modeling.
In past years he has been elected as a Representative of the Technical-Administrative Staff in the Academic Senate of Politecnico di Milano and, since 2006, he is Head of the Technological Laboratory of the Department of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies for which he is responsible of the coordination of human resources and the equipment associated with the laboratory itself, CAD, CAD-CAM, FEM design and the realization of complex equipment within the services offered by the laboratory (teaching, research and third party activities).
In his spare time he studies and practices the art of Chinese calligraphy, thanks to which he participated in several exhibitions in Asia and Europe. This artistic research in recent time has focused on the fusion of Eastern calligraphic art with Western music through the 'Musicalligraphy Project'.

Magazine articles