SIAMS is a laboratory of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at the Politecnico di Milano (DAER), which studies the structural integrity of advanced metamaterials and structures.
Last summer was busy for SIAMS - Structural Integrity Of Advanced Materials And Structures laboratory, sharing the results of the AM3aC2A project funded by ASI, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, in collaboration with Centro Italiano di Ricerche Aerospaziali, CNR-ISSMC and Petroceramics.
This project focuses on the damage tolerant design of Ceramic Matrix Composites, high-novely materials for ultra-high temperature.
A. Airoldi and A.M. Caporale presented two works at HT-CMC 11 in Jeju, Korea, entitled “A Meso-Scale Model for Damage, Failure and Delamination of Liquid Silicon Infiltrated C/SiC Laminates” and “Characterization and Numerical Interpretation of Non-Linear Tensile Response in UHTCMC”, respectively.
A. Airoldi presented "A meso-scale model of progressive model of progressive famage failure in LSI-produced ceramic matrix composites for aerospace applications" at AIDAA XVII, in Padova, Italy.
E. Novembre presented “Implementation of a damage model for tension and bending of Ceramic Matrix Composites with statistical distribution of properties” at ECERS XVIII in Lyon, France.
M. Riva presented “Numerical and Experimental Methods for the Identification of Interlaminar Properties in LSI Manufactured C/SiC Composite” at ECCOMAS Composite 2023 in Trapani, Italy.